May 4, 2012

Interview with Virpi Still - The beautiful best friend

- You are one of the Bolly Beat Dancers. How did you become part of it?

- My sister saw an ad about Bollywood dance lessons at a store and asked me to try it with her. Sari Breilin was giving her first dance lessons at the Sahram dance school and that's where we went. Back then, it was a brand new dance style in Finland, and lessons were given in very few schools. I fell in love with Indian music, the rythms and the melodies, right on the first lesson. I first performed at the dance school's summer and Christmas shows, and little by little, I got to perform elsewhere too. Today, I also give Bollywood dance lessons for children at the BBDS.

- What does dancing and especially Bollywood dancing mean to you?

- Being energetic and playful is an essential part of Bollywood dancing. That is what makes it so interesting. To me, dancing is relaxing, challenging myself and giving all I have. When I dance, I feel the presence and the energy of the audience and I know I can affect them in a positive way. It is beyond awesome to see the people's eyes shinig when they watch our performances. Often, you can actually feel the interaction with the audience.

- How did you come to be part of "Ek Kahani"?

- I volunteered for the role of Reetta because I was free and wanted to. I've been good friends with Ilona since she joined the BBD, and it felt very natural to play the role of her best friend.
- Have you ever acted before?

- At school, my teacher was an actor, and he made us act, for example during our religion lessons. When I worked at a primary school, I was involved in some smaller plays. My experience is mostly based on having fun together.

- Do you have a favorite scene in "Ek Kahani"?

- My favorite scene is when Pappu tries to console Amit, telling him what he will get when he marries an Indian girl. It is a very good example of cultural differences that may be hard to understand, but are a reality some have to face in their eveyday life. This raises questions about one's own life and its effect on others.

- What has this project given you?

- I like performing and this project has taught me and given me so much. I've become more courageous during the practice. Acting is completely different than dancing, so I have had a lot learn. It has been very interesting. I have also learned to know myself better.

- What do you think "Ek Kahani" has given to others involved?

It has been extremely impressive to follow the people involved in this project, to see them give everything and admire their talent. There is so much knowledge and skill that it always takes my breath away! It is also great to feel the team's support and acceptance of what I'm doing. After the first dress rehearsals, many said that they where happy and proud to be part of this project. I think it was the best possible feedback for everyone! During the whole project I have understood that what one is, does and says to others is meaningful. I believe that each one of us has learned things during this. Sometimes it is good to do things which once in a while feel too big, too difficult, too tiring; afterwards you can say that you can do anything! I am glad to be part of "Ek Kahani"!

Text by: Laura Kunnas

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