The very first dress rehearsal 15.4.2012
The whole team spent a tough but inspiring day together going through the whole play for the first time. |
Laura S, Sanna and Virpi. |
Tero the dancing Goa-hippie. |
Amardeep. Well prepared for the splendid party scene. |
Siva and Sudhi/ Pappu and Amit. |
Very atmospheric indeed. Ilona and Sudhi. |
Practicin the last scene of the play. Who is leaving and where? |
The audience was following carefully happenings of the "stage". |
Elisa (Ilona's character) demanding some explanations. |
Our lovely dancers Laura S and Sanna. |
Reetta doing her job. It's not a peice of cake to direct a big dance scene. |
Beautiful Laura Sko, and one of the choreographers Tero (the sparkle eye). |
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