April 29, 2012

The very first dress rehearsal 15.4.2012

The very first dress rehearsal 15.4.2012

The whole team spent a tough but inspiring day together going through the whole play for the first time.

Laura S, Sanna and Virpi.

Tero the dancing Goa-hippie.

Amardeep. Well prepared for the splendid party scene.

Siva and Sudhi/ Pappu and Amit.

Very atmospheric indeed. Ilona and Sudhi.

Practicin the last scene of the play. Who is leaving and where?

The audience was following carefully happenings of the "stage".

Elisa (Ilona's character) demanding some explanations.

Our lovely dancers Laura S and Sanna.

Reetta doing her job. It's not a peice of cake to direct a big dance scene.

Beautiful Laura Sko, and one of the choreographers Tero (the sparkle eye).

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